Our policies are pretty simple and straight forward. I try to treat people how I
would want to be treated when adding a new family member to my family. I
don’t ever want to make anyone feel like they are bothering me because they
have questions or want more information, I am here to help you get the best fit
for your family, so please never feel like you are bothering me. However, as the
breeder/owner of these puppies, I reserve the right to refuse anyone a puppy that
I am not comfortable with and I have and will exercise this right. These puppies
and dogs are my babies and I want to make sure they are going to good homes.
To reserve a puppy
The very first step in the process is to fill out our application, it can be found
here: https://www.iowayorkiebabies.com/online-application
Once your application is received and approved – the next step is the non-
refundable deposit.
In order to reserve a puppy, a $200 non-refundable deposit is required. There are
two types of deposits.
Pre-deposits – Pre-deposits are for puppies who are less than 2 weeks old or
who have not been born yet. Pre-deposits can be paid via a paypal invoice that I
will send to you, venmo business or you can mail the deposit to me. This holds
your place in line to choose a puppy on a future litter or a new litter.
A standard deposit is for a puppy older than 2 weeks and is for a particular
puppy not spoken for with a pre-deposit and those can only be paid for via a
paypal invoice or venmo business. Once your deposit is received, your puppy is
Paypal invoices have a 4% fee and Venmo Business has a 2% fee.
Both deposits are non-refundable​. We have a waiting list and it isn't fair for us to
turn people away. We try our best to make sure we are accurate on the
predictions of our future litters to better serve our expecting families but we
cannot always predict mother nature. Pre-deposits are first come, first serve, if
you are looking for a particular time frame we will work with you the best that
we can, so long as you understand that there are things that are sometimes
outside of our control.
You can view our current waiting list here:
Yorkie Babies Waiting List - Google Sheets
Picking your New Puppy
Once the babies are born, I send out a birth announcement via email, telling you
how labor and delivery went and how many babies were born, etc. I also
provide the detailed schedule to you. Once the puppies are two weeks old, we
post videos of each new baby for people to choose from based on how the
deposits were received. I also post videos every other weekend so that you can
watch your new baby grow with us. And pick up is at ten weeks old.
Picking up your new Puppy
Once the puppy is old enough to leave me and go to his/her new home, there are
a couple of different options available to you. You can come to our home and
pick him/her up. I will meet you pretty much anywhere in Iowa, but I do ask for
fuel reimbursement.
Flying with Your Puppy
We do not ship our puppies on their own. However, if you are from a fairly long
distance away, we do have some options. I can meet you at the Des Moines
airport with your puppy – so that you can pick him/her up and then immediately
turn around and fly home with your new baby!
We also use a flight nanny service, that I will meet in Des Moines and they will
fly with your new puppy to the airport of your choice. This service is generally
$650 to $750, payable directly to the flight nanny service.
Full and Limited Registration
For 99% of people, it will not matter to them if their yorkie is limited (pet) or
full (breeding/showing) registration, however there are some people that do
care. For those of you who want full registration, I must be completely
comfortable that my puppy is not going to end up in a cage somewhere,
unloved. I raise yorkies because I love the breed and I love and adore the
puppies. I would rather make less money and sell you a pet than make more
money and worry about where my puppy is going. I reserve the right to refuse
anyone full registration and will use that right if I am not comfortable. So,
unless someone specifically asks for full registration, it is defaulted to limited
Your puppy comes with a spay/neuter contract so if you will be breeding your
yorkie, you will need to disclose this to me upfront.
Puppy Prices:
Limited Registration (For a Pet) $1500
Full Registration (Breeding/Showing) $2000
One Year Health Guarantee
Your puppy will come with a one year health guarantee against anything
genetic, this includes things that are a common concern to the breed. Please
keep in mind, that a puppy/dog is a living breathing soul and this health
guarantee does not guarantee that your baby will never get sick with common
illnesses for his/her entire life. We guarantee our puppies because we are
confident in the health and wellness of our own dogs and that we try our best to
make sure that we are making the breed better with every puppy. When you
come and pick up your puppy, we ask that you take your puppy to your vet
within 3 business days and mail something back, showing that your puppy went
to the vet.
Our health guarantee also states that you cannot resell, rehome or abandon this
puppy at any time within the dog’s lifetime, you must return the dog back to us,
no matter where you live if you can longer keep the puppy – we take our
responsibility as a breeder very seriously. We want our new families to be
forever homes, so please make sure that you are ready to be fully committed
before adopting a puppy from us. We do not want our puppies in a shelter and
we want to know where our babies are. We entrust our adoptive families with
our babies and it is great trust when we hand over our babies.